Founders Pastors Jack & Shirley Hiles ~ Vision With A Future
"Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it"
Jack & Shirley Hiles founded Word of Deliverance (WOD) in October of 1977, the church was to be open for those who had become outcast and was to be used to train and encourage men and women in the ministry of the word of God.
The original church was built on the family bean patch. Little did this man and woman of God know just how much they would change the world. Together Jack and Shirley participated in prison and radio ministries with their family, later founding a youth camp and a food pantry.
It has been their joy to see many ministers of the gospel launched from WOD, including many of their own family. Their daughter, Lisa Unger was ordained after Pastors Jack & Shirley retired in 2007.
Ministers and Worshippers from all over the world have visited the church on the hill in Berkeley Springs to hear the word of God.